
Birth Hypnobirthing Birth Stories Natal Hypnotherapy

Breech birth using Natal Hypnotherapy

Guest Blog from Alison Barker

I attended the Natal Hypnotherapy workshop with Sandra in Wimbledon and regularly listened to the tracks throughout my pregnancy. I believe the tools with which natal hypnotherapy equipped me allowed us to have the home birth we desired. I wanted to write to you to directly to thank you as I will always be grateful for the incredible benefits of Natal Hypnotherapy.

There was a slight nuisance to my daughter’s birth which I thought it may be worth explaining briefly – my daughter was a breech presentation. Breech was not diagnosed until 40 weeks + 2. I had planned a home birth and therefore this potentially jeopardised this. However, after a failed ECV I spent time researching the area of breech presentation, having been told by the NHS that the only option was a C section.

I came across Ruth Atkinson from a google search (and Sandra separately also recommended I speak to Ruth). Ruth had given birth to a breech baby vaginally and she kindly took the time to speak to me and discuss her experience. Ruth put me in contact with Maya midwives who I subsequently engaged to assist with the birth.

In short, my experience was that the NHS simply do not have the experience of delivering babies vaginally as a result of (In my view) a now discredited trial study. Therefore, the only option for us was to hire an Independent Midwife. I also believe the only way for me to attempt a vaginal delivery was if I was at home without hospital intervention and to avoid the NHS policies/guidelines which could, in my view, have significantly affected the outcome.

Firstly, I believe I would not have had the confidence to commit to a vaginal breech birth if it wasn’t for the skills with which natal hypo equipped me. I truly believe my body knew how to give birth and trusted my instincts. Second, I was able to relax with the benefit of the tracks during the stressful period from the breech diagnosis which I believe allowed me to go into spontaneous labour (at 42 weeks). Third, I was able to have a beautiful home birth with no pain relief, other than a TENs machine and massage. It was an incredible experience.

Andrea Barker of Maya Midwives mentioned she has met you previously and that a breech hypnosis track may be in the pipeline. If you would like my birth story for the website or indeed for any other literature, I would love to spread the word to hopefully encourage more women to make informed decisions for their birth, particularly breech births.

Finally, I wish to note that Sandra has been incredibly helpful throughout the latter stages of my pregnancy. We thoroughly enjoyed her workshop in Wimbledon and am very grateful for Sandra’s assistance whenever I have asked questions of her regarding issues with the NHS as to my birth preferences, even at ungodly hours of the morning when I have been frantically researching! Also, Ruth has also been a true inspiration and, again, has taken the time to lend her support to me. I think Ruth and Sandra are great representatives of natal hypnotherapy.

Thank you for creating such a fantastic product which we will passionately  recommend to friends and family.

Maggie Howell

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