
Birth Natal Hypnotherapy

Maggie Howell’s Birth Plan from 2002

Hypnobirthing Mother Maggie Howell and new born baby in birthing pool

Whilst sorting out some files I came across the birth plan I wrote for my second son in 2002.  Even with everything I have learned in the last 23 years I would still not change a thing 🙂 – except maybe calling it birth preferences.

Phil and Maggie’s Birth Plan 2002

Our aim is to have a completely natural home water birth.  I am very relaxed and confident about the birth and feel sure that we will achieve our goal. 

We have hired a birthing pool and intend to use the pool for the later part of the first stage and the second stage.  Ideally I would like to give birth in the pool.  We have prepared a room for the birth on the ground floor and feel that this will be a comfortable and relaxed place to give birth.

I have been using self Hypnosis for several weeks and intend that this is my main form of pain control along with controlled breathing and deep relaxation.

My plan is to use several homeopathic and herbal remedies during the birth, namely caulopholum and arnica and a tea made of raspberry leaf, squaw vine, peppermint and nettle plus blue cohosh tincture to aid the contractions. 

I will use rose oil, lavender, geranium and neroli as aromatherapy oils for burning and massage.  I wish to remain active during the first stage of labour.

We have entenox on hand and I will use this if necessary.  

If I have to go into hospital I do not want to have an electronic monitor placed on my stomach and do not want a scalp foetal monitor to be used on may baby. I have no intention of using other drugs and feel I would only go into hospital in a true emergency.

I wish for Phil to be with me at all times and to play an active role in the birth.  For the actual delivery I am adamant that I would like the room to be dark and as quiet as possible. We would like for Phil to actually deliver the baby and pass the baby onto my stomach.  I would like the cord to stop pulsating before the cord is clamped and for Phil to cut the cord.  Unless in a life or death situation I do not want my baby taken away from me at ANY time.  I intend on breastfeeding as soon as the baby is ready and wish for the baby to remain naked with me for as long as possible.  If I do not give birth in the water, I would like to place the baby in warm water within an hour of its birth preferably with Phil and I.

I do not want the baby to be given a Vitamin K injection and to only be given an oral dose if the birth as been particularly traumatic.  I am prepared to take syntometrine for the delivery of the placenta if it is deemed medically necessary.

You can watch part of Maggie’s birth in 2007 here

I have put a one page pdf together which has my top 5 tips for preparing for a positive birth – Click to download your pdf – Print it out and put it on the fridge as a way to constantly feel more positive and prepared. Click to download your pdf

Maggie Howell

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