“When we found out that we were expecting our first baby both my partner and I were in agreement that we would like our pregnancy and birth to be as natural as possible. We wanted to really prepare for a positive birth experience. From the outset my pregnancy was healthy and straightforward.
Choice to have our baby at home
With the support of our brilliant midwife, it seemed a natural choice that we should have our baby at home. I felt so well that it seemed bizarre to go into a hospital for such a natural thing as childbirth. I also wanted a birth where both my partner and I felt confident and in control. We were at the lowest risk of unnecessary intervention. So for us it felt that home was the place where we were most likely to achieve this.
Preparation is the key
On doing further research it became clear to me that preparation is key in facilitating a positive birth. This is especially true for a home birth. Logistical preparations to ensure our home was birth ready, but also my own physical and emotional preparations. It was in this second aspect where Natal Hypnotherapy was key.
Taking the course, and doing self-hypnosis during pregnancy meant that I went into labour relaxed, confident and free of fear. As a couple, the course also connected us to each other and to our baby. It was particularly successful in supporting my partner to be as engaged, proactive and confident as possible (see Olympic Gold medalist Greg Rutherford’s review of The Natal Hypnotherapy course). This was particularly important to me as the birth of our baby was something I absolutely wanted us to do together. I did not want my partner to be sidelined by the excitement of the moment or by medical professionals supporting the birth.
And so it begins
I went into labour one week before the due date that I had been given. My waters broke at home around 1pm. I felt relaxed and in control throughout the labour. Although at times I was uncomfortable, at no point would I have described the experience as being painful or unmanageable. I felt so relaxed that when our midwife came to check me about 4pm, she said I was not in established labour! She said that it would most likely be sometime before the baby arrived. In fact we called her back later that evening and by the time she arrived just before midnight I was already fully dilated. Our son was born about thirty five minutes later.
Our baby is so calm
Robin Arthur weighed a healthy 8lb 9ozs and came into the world in the calm and peaceful way I had hoped for without any intervention or pain relief! We have no doubt that Natal Hypnotherapy was a key factor in making this possible. On the whole Robin is a very relaxed and content baby. We are sure that the hypnotherapy I have learned also contributed to that due to the way it allowed me to connect with my baby during pregnancy, labour and beyond.

Natal Hypnotherapy really helped us have a positive birth
Natal Hypnotherapy has been a brilliant thing for us and I would not hesitate to recommend it. It really helped us prepare for a positive birth. Regardless of where or how you choose to give birth I fell it has the power to make anybody more relaxed, confident and engaged during the incredible time that their baby is born.”
Thanks Liz for sharing your lovely and inspiring birth story.
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