How much does Hypnobirthing cost?
We have worked to make things as simple and economic as possible to help you start your Hypnobirthing journey to a better birth experience.
1. Start Hypnobirthing for FREE

2. Pick individual audio tracks £10

You can choose individual tracks from our range of audio products for £10
3. Upgrade to our hypnobirthing digital packs @£25

You can choose the pregnancy and birth preparation to match your birth preference. Pick an audio album for just £25 for a set of 7 (individually priced £10 each) plus a 300 page Effective Birth Preparation guide book (individually priced £12.99)
4. Book onto the Online Hypnobirthing Classes £39.99

If you want to maximise your chances of the best possible birth experience, you can do our online course for £39.99
5. Choose Face to Face Hypnobirthing Class from @£180 (depending on location)
Book a face to face Hypnobirthing Class with one of our licensed practitioners from £180 for 2 days or 6 evenings of training.