
Hypnobirthing Digital Pack – 7 x Audio tracks and 300 page PDF Practical Guide Book

£20.83 Excluding tax

Hypnobirthing Digital Pack of Audio tracks and 300 page PDF book in Zip file

Our most comprehensive Hypnobirthing package includes all the audio tracks you need to use Hypnobirthing to have a better birth experience, be fully available as audio downloads for your chosen device with an PDF copy of the amazing book in your choice of format i.e. ZIP file, USB or pack with hardcopy printed book. You download the file and unzip it on your chosen device.

From early pregnancy to birth and beyond, this comprehensive package is the ultimate in-home study courses to enable you to have a relaxed, stress-free pregnancy and birth plus support in the first few weeks with your new baby; there’s even something for the Birth Partner!

The ZIP file format means it is easy to download, open the zip file and transfer your files to a computer, audio player, phone or tablet. Microsoft software comes with an unzip utility but if you need more help look at http://www.winzip.com/win/en/index.htm

Effective Birth Preparation – Your Practical Guide (eBook) PDF RRP £7.99
This informative, down to earth and inspiring guide by Maggie Howell takes the reader step by step through mental, emotional and physical preparation for birth

7 Natal Hypnotherapy MP3s RRP £70

  • Hypnobirthing for Pregnancy Relaxation
  • Hypnobirthing to Let go of Fear
  • Hypnobirthing for Hospital or Birth Centre
  • Hypnobirthing – Your Labour Companion with Relaxing Birth Music
  • Hypnobirthing Postnatal Recovery
  • Hypnobirthing – Your Breastfeeding Companion
  • Hypnosis for Relaxation and Stress Management – (Ideal for birth partners!)

Prefer printed books to electronic ones? Just select to the printed book version and we can post it to you.


For older iPhone/iPad before iOS 13, For PC/Mac/Android and newer iPhones/iPads on iOS 13 or above, Physical products


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Type of birth

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Type of product

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Number of babies

Singleton – One Baby, Twins or multiples


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