
Pregnancy Relaxation – Hypnobirthing for a Relaxed Pregnancy

£8.33 Excluding tax

Pregnancy Relaxation – Hypnobirthing for a Relaxed Pregnancy MP3

This deeply relaxing audio track can be used at any time of your pregnancy and is a wonderful anti dote to the regular stresses and strains of normal life, let alone when you are pregnant! The deep relaxation techniques, guided visualisation, and positive suggestions ensure you have a more comfortable and enjoyable pregnancy, as it will enable you to :-

  • Increase your energy and feelings of well being
  • Improved sleep
  • Maintain a healthy blood pressure
  • Reduce, even eliminate aches and pains
  • Increase communication with your baby
  • Maintain a feeling of calm and relaxation
  • Learn techniques that will help with giving birth



For older iPhone/iPad before iOS 13, For PC/Mac/Android and newer iPhones/iPads on iOS 13 or above



Type of birth

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Type of product

Number of babies

Singleton – One Baby, Twins or multiples


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