Today I received this letter from a 71 yr old man who is serving a long sentence in prison. Somehow he has a copy of my Relaxation and Stress management and felt compelled to handwrite me a letter. He explained that it is very stressful in prison and that he has found my CD to really help him cope.
What touched me the most was the last page where he felt that listening to the CD, it had opened his eyes to a new life and that he felt it would help him stay in control and crime-free when he is eventually released from prison.
I have had many letters and emails over the years but for some reason, this really touched me. It really reminded me how amazing we are as humans and that just by tapping into our subconscious we can feel more in control, make changes that are so helpful in the long run and give ourselves a new way of dealing with life’s ups and downs.
So no matter what your situation, taking time out to “connect in” with yourself, stopping to focus, breathe and be really present and giving yourself positive suggestions about the future, you really can reframe how you see your life and make changes for the better.
I will write back to him as I feel he has inspired me and given my belief in the human mind another mini boost.
Do you have anything you would like to say to him that I can include in my letter?