
Hypnobirthing Hypnobirthing Birth Stories Hypnobirthing Birth Video

Vaginal birth with twins – Hypnobirthing with Natal Hypnotherapy

A birth video of Chireal giving birth to twins in hospital – a natural, calm vaginal birth to twins. Chireal listened to the Natal Hypnotherapy tracks in the lead-up to the birth. They also gave her the confidence to plan for a natural, un induced labour

[Chireal] “Hi, it’s Thursday and it’s a couple of days before I’m due to be induced and today, I’ve had reflexology on my feet and hands, and I’ve also ordered some hypnosis tapes [Natal Hypnotherapy audio downloads] to help me through the labour process, in doing so I have realised that I don’t think I want to be induced. I thought about it weighed up all the pros and cons and I just think, I should let the babies come naturally. So I’ll will be phoning the hospital tomorrow on Friday just to let them know that I won’t be coming to be induced on Sunday and that’s it really. and this is me at 5 cm dilated. 

[Birth partner]– “…and this is, where is all going to happen at some stage today”

[Chireal] “This morning I woke up I felt my waters are broken and I got up and I realise that was bleeding. I called the hospital [ breaths through a contraction].

[Midwife 1] “you can see the head, Yeah? “

[Midwife 2] “yeah

[Chireal Breathing] Ooh

[Midwife 2] Pant, pant, pant, pant, pant, pant, pant, pant, pant,..

[Chireal ] “oh god”

[Baby] [Baby is born and baby cries]

Maggie Howell

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