
Hypnobirthing 15 Minute Pregnancy Relaxation Audio Download – Start for free

£0.00 Excluding tax

15 Minute Relaxation – MP3

This short 15-minute pregnancy relaxation is available to support women preparing for birth to help them learn relaxation and breathing skills.  Just add coupon “startforfree” checkout so you can get the track for free.

By listening to this track you will learn how to gently become more and more relaxed, how to breathe effectively and how to use positive visualisation.

“I used Natal Hypnotherapy by Maggie Howell. It was brilliant and was without any bulls***. I laboured and gave birth with only gas and air using the techniques. In fact the midwife refused to examine me as she insisted I wasn’t in enough pain to be ready to push. I was 10cm…..Of course giving birth hurts but I honestly found it manageable with breathing and visualisation and the music. You need to practice lots though”

This is a great way to find out what hypnobirthing is like and to learn some really valuable skills.


For older iPhone/iPad before iOS 13, For PC/Mac/Android and newer iPhones/iPads on iOS 13 or above

Type of birth

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Number of babies

Singleton – One Baby, Twins or multiples


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